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Deutsch-Französisches Institut
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Points: 6

Marcel Kurovec
Mendelova stredni skola Novy Jicin
20:06 Uhr

Global warming

Hello, I opened there new discussion. We will add there more informations about our project. Now it just has been created.

Thank you for adding news Marcel Kurovec.

Dernières modifications faites le: 04.06.2012 - 20:54


04.06.2012 - 20:30 David Materanka
Mendelova stredni skola Novy Jicin
3 Contributions

1. – Global warming

I think that global warming isn’t big problem as they talk about him, but if the scientists work and examining it, so they have money and this is their main goal, why is global warming "threat." People are smart and try making money on anything. This is my opinion


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04.06.2012 - 20:57 Laurine Mayer
Lycée Ribeaupierre Ribeauvillé
6 Contributions

2. – Global warming

For me, global warming isn’t our first preoccupation because at the moment, there are a lot of economic crisis like in Greece, Spain, Irlande, Italy. And everyone is concerned about that, first Europe. I agree with idea of David, that "people are smart ant try making money on anything".

But however, it’s interesting to treatise this subject because we musn’’t deny the problems of glabal ➔ Afficher l'intégralité de la contribution


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05.06.2012 - 10:34 Anne-Sophie Barreau
Anne-Sophie Barreau
Das Projekt-Team
64 Contributions

3. – Proposals for an extensive discussion should be posted as a new register of your topic

Thanks for your contribution in the forum.

As the topic for your group work you have chosen “climate change and energy supply”.

Now you can concentrate on the report for the first and second phase. In your report you are asked to answer the guiding questions of the respective phase.

The weekly journal should also be part of your group work.

Proposals for an extensive discussion sh ➔ Afficher l'intégralité de la contribution

Dernières modifications faites le: 05.06.2012 - 11:56


cette contribution a obtenu 1903 applaudissement(s)


10.06.2012 - 09:47 Leonie Walda
Martin-Butzer-Gymnasium Dierdorf
8 Contributions

4. – un thème important

Je crois que c’est important de faire quelque chose contre le réchauffement climatique. Un point des grands équilibres est l’environnement et sa persistance. C’est clair qu’il y a des discussions plus importantes, mais en oubliant ce thème, il devient de plus en plus grave.
Il faut s’occuper de ce problème pour protéger la nature.


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11.06.2012 - 09:54 M v G
Martin-Butzer-Gymnasium Dierdorf
8 Contributions

5. – Globale Erwärmung

Meiner Meinung nach stellt die globale Erwärmung eine nicht zu vernachlässigende Bedrohung dar und ist nicht ausschließlich ein Thema, das für das Verdienen von Geld missbraucht wird. Wir sollten die Erde nicht weiter verkommen lassen und sie für zukünftige Generationen schützen, damit diese noch ein ähnlich komfortables Leben führen können wie wir es tun. Doch der Umweltschutz sollte n ➔ Afficher l'intégralité de la contribution


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12.06.2012 - 00:07 J R
Martin-Butzer-Gymnasium Dierdorf
10 Contributions

6. – Es wird zu wenig getan

Ich finde, dass zu wenig gegen den Klimawandel unternommen wird. Es fließen sehr viel Geld in sekundäre Bereiche wie der "Wiederaufbau" der ehemaligen DDR oder die Atomkraft & ähnliche Dinge, während für den Klimaschutz nicht genug Geld ausgegeben wird. Ich bezeichne diese Dinge nicht deshalb als sekundär, weil ich sie für unwichtig erachte, sondern weil der Klimawandel in dieser Hinsich ➔ Afficher l'intégralité de la contribution


cette contribution a obtenu 1959 applaudissement(s)


12.06.2012 - 17:55 Wynona Kühn
Martin-Butzer-Gymnasium Dierdorf
7 Contributions

7. – - lutter pour notre nature et informer la population!

Je crois, que le réchauffement climatique est un thème très important, car c’est un danger pour tout le monde!
A mon avis, notre population n’est pas assez éclaircie sur le réchauffement climatique.
Il y a seulement quelques informations, mais il n’y a pas beaucoup d’informations des mauvaises conséquences lesquelles peuvent passer. C’est très important de parler avec tout le mond ➔ Afficher l'intégralité de la contribution


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20.06.2012 - 13:19 Victor Van Rie
European Youth Parliament
2 Contributions

8. – Gradual shift

As you can read in the many replies to this topic, the main reasons why there hasnt been a big improvement in the struggle against global warming, is due to the fact that companies are all about profit and the fact that the world is still fighting upcoming/existing economic crises.

To be fair, it makes sense companies aren’t that excited about changing their policies towards a more environme ➔ Afficher l'intégralité de la contribution


cette contribution a obtenu 1928 applaudissement(s)


21.06.2012 - 12:31 Henriette Heimbach
Henriette Heimbach
Das Projekt-Team
10 Contributions

9. – Open letter to decision-makers on environmental issues

Hi there,

have you already had a look in the online library? There you can find an open letter from the Youth European Conference that is addressed to decision-makers and politicians and that could help you with your work. Other young people met in May 2012 and discussed solutions to enviromental problems. Issues were energy, transport, solidarity, biodiversity and natural resources. Interesti ➔ Afficher l'intégralité de la contribution


cette contribution a obtenu 1894 applaudissement(s)


21.06.2012 - 12:40 Henriette Heimbach
Henriette Heimbach
Das Projekt-Team
10 Contributions

10. – Questions to an expert on global warming?

Some weeks ago we had a special Question of the week when we wanted to know if you have any questions that you would like to ask an expert. As there were no questions on environmental issues, I want to ask you here again.

Please write down your questions here and we will find an expert to answer them.


cette contribution a obtenu 1778 applaudissement(s)


04.07.2012 - 17:51 Petr Brandejs
Petr Brandejs
Mendelova stredni skola Novy Jicin
1 Contributions

11. – Expert?

Hi all,

I am not sure if I should participate as I am just a teacher who tries to make his students work:-), but anyway: I think the basic question is "Who is the expert we can trust?" The economical crises taught us not to trust (all) economists. Now there are environmental "experts" who accept (as well as refuse!) the role of human beings in global warming. So if a question: "Do people ➔ Afficher l'intégralité de la contribution


cette contribution a obtenu 1821 applaudissement(s)


12.07.2012 - 10:40 Henriette Heimbach
Henriette Heimbach
Das Projekt-Team
10 Contributions

12. – @Petr Brandejs: Stefan Aykut answered your question

Hey Petr,

Have you seen already? Our expert Stefan Aykut answered your question here:

Dernières modifications faites le: 12.07.2012 - 10:40


cette contribution a obtenu 1786 applaudissement(s)



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